Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


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A Special Meaning

It's important to have your family portrait mean something special, to tell the story of your family. This is what sets your photograph apart from the one of the family next door and the other down the street. It's what makes you smile every time you look at it hanging on your wall. And if you're the average family, it will be something you will look at for many years to come. How do you make it personal? Better yet - how do you make it a reflection of what your family stands for instead of a carbon copy of a "family picture"?
Props are not a big part of my studio. They can work in certain circumstances but not in most. I deal in basic back drops (although I also have a variety of colors on hand) and it seems sensless to me to have a photograph taken with my studio christmas tree (and I have one!) when your own will hold better memories. How can you be sure to capture your family's spirit and not just their smiles.
The Hunter family brought along the guitar that is a part of their life. And while there are numerous lovely photos from their session, those with the guitar seem magical to me. Hopefully Jonathon and Wendy will feel the same.

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