Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


Email me!


How to Photograph a 4 Year Old??

It's easy!! Simply ask him what he wants. In Cameron's case he wanted to make sure there were pictures of him actually driving his birthday gift from Nana and Grampy. To get his request he was more than willing to pose a little.

The following pictures are a little more artsy in nature... my favorite is the one from behind ... although they may not be what a mom would carry in her wallet but they are what he wanted! Those posted on facebook, however, are the wonderful result of what happens when a preschooler feels he has a say in the session. It also helps to have a subject who is picture perfect!!



After several emails and phone conversations the mom of this 2010 UMRHS grad finally admits that her daughter Kelsey HATES having her photo taken. It is implied that our booked studio and outdoor session is a concession made for her mother. The compromise apparently is including pictures with her cats, a dog, a pony and a horse!

Off I go to deal with my tiny fear of very large horses thinking Kelsey must be shy and introverted with animals for friends. What I found instead was a beautiful, poised, fabulous young lady. Her intelligence was obvious, her spirit undeniable. Kelsey is an animal activist, as clearly stated on her tee - Club Soda Not Seals - and wants to be a veterinarian. There is no doubt she will succeed. How very fitting to have her photos taken with her animal friends, for that is who she is.

Family Portraits

This was a life changing summer for me. Without getting into details (those of you who know me best will understand), I have come to realize that life is truly too short and unexpected curve balls can be thrown your way at any time. While I have always taken some time for me and spent lots of time with my family I am wondering now if it is enough... rather ... is it stress free, quality time. So I am taking more time to enjoy the gifts I have been given. And as soon as my husband's black eye as a result of a recent write-the-truck-off accident heals we will be getting a family portrait done. One that reflects who we are now to safe keep the memory of this moment.

You may want to consider doing the same!

Although I haven't posted much this past couple of months, I have been busy. In an attempt to catch up I will start by posting the most recent shoot first and working backwards. Why? Because this particular family session best reflects my new found belief that "live life to the fullest" is more than words A photograph is not what makes a family. But capturing the spirit of who your family is and having it forever is simply nice to have. See others on the Gallery Arseneau facebook page.