Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


Email me!


It was a very difficult day...

... choosing a portrait from my session with the precocious Carly. Warned by her mother that she rarely looks at the camera, it would not have been surprising to have only captured a few with those beautiful eyes looking my way. I would have been happy with that, as I suspected Tracey would have been ok with the result. Afterall, some of the most beautiful pictures are those in which the subject is looking dreamily in another direction!

What a surprise when the camera was unloaded and there were many sets of sparkling baby greens? grays? staring in my direction. Enchanting really. What a beautiful child. (I take this opportunity to again point out I prefer children with spunk!). The reward for mom is a posting of only some of these pictures to hold her over until her proofs on CD are ready; and, for Carly, a goldfish she will name Goldie. Well deserved!

For fun I have done some editing and posted a couple. The digital images purchased will include them along with the color corrected proofs ;o)


Kraft Hockeyville 2009

Kraft Hockeyville 2009

Please VOTE VOTE VOTE for Stanley NB for hockeyville!!! It's where I live!

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First of the Year!

If you are a follower of my blog you already know I love to photograph children, especially newborns. Nothing is better than being inspired and having a client embrace your ideas. And most importantly, portraits that are merely beautiful become extraordinary when there is a story captured.

Shauna and Gary Boudreau are the proud parents of 2 week old Nate. Today they visited my studio for some family photos. At first glance this wouldn't seem unique. And in most ways it is not. However, on Saturday Gary will return to Afghanistan for three more months after a brief return to meet his new son. How hard it must be to leave a beautiful wife and the tiny little round precious child who even at this age reminds us he intends to be the center of the universe!

Hopefully, in some small way, having these pictures of Nate and the lovely family portraits taken today will make it a little easier to bear. Safe journey!


Happy New Year!

These wonderful photos were taken just a couple days before the new year and the spirit of family that surrounds them is timeless. My Christmas surprise - a Nikon D90 - lives up to it's reputation of being exceptional in low light conditions! Thank you to Colleen and Mike and their family for inviting me into their home to capture their family portraits.

It's the first day of 2009! What will the new year bring?
  • Peace, love and happiness... although this is a cliche of sorts, I wish it for your family as well as for mine.

  • Success... in what is important to you. For me that means, first and foremost, as a mother and secondly continued success with my growing business.

  • Realization... things very rarely ever just happen. The new year will not bring what we don't work for. Unexpected and unplanned events may cross our paths but it's what we do about them that matters.

  • Weight loss... oops... I mean good health! With my 25th high school reunion only 6 months away it's time to just eat that whole pound of Bailey's fudge (thanks Wendy!) and get some use out of the new work out clothes I got for Christmas.

  • Highspeed internet... for me and those of you who live in rural areas without access :o)

  • Safety... in all you do. Especially for those of you overseas.

And remember to capture your memories along the way!