Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


Email me!


How Beautiful Can a Child Be?

With photographs as proof, she can be this beautiful...

You would have had to have been there to know how incredibly smart and delightful Ava is. And you only need 2 minutes in a room with her mom, aunt, cousins and grandmother to know how truly loved this little bundle of joy is. These shots were taken in between rounds of "Ring Around the Rosie" and catch with her older cousins. Truly what an adorable child!!


"Feels So Good to be With You"

How young they look but how grown up they feel! As parents do we ever think this day will come when our babies enter kindergarten? And then, it's here before you know it! I have a son entering grade 7 next year and it seems he is still little... a long way from graduating high school. And then a parent says to me, "Five years will pass so quickly." FIVE YEARS!!! Is that all I have left! I can feel the tears coming.

I cannot imagine how many parents at last night's celebration fought back those same tears, wondered where the time went, and where the future would lead. Hopefully they took the time to enjoy the evening and the memories of school years gone by.

356 Days - Day 39

Fishin' in the Dark ... the theme of the 2009 Stanley High Prom. Sometimes the smallest of details is the biggest photo opportunity. This photograph was taken with no flash in a very dark gym with no tripod. You try it!


Day 38

A practice run ... for the grads and for me! Stay tuned. Tomorrow's picture might be spectacular!!

Day 37

Graduating ceremonies for Stanley High School are in full swing. It is traditional for grads and their families to participate in and attend a Baccalaureate Service at a local church. The graduating class and staff representatives walk from the school to the church while the community looks on. It is indeed a very touching celebration. This photo is only one of the many that were taken on Monday evening.


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

It was a magical night at Upper Mirimichi Regional High School. The girls were beautiful, the guys were handsome and the decorations out of this world! Prom is the most exciting time of the long school year and it is enjoyed by grads as well as family and friends. For the second year in a row I have been fortunate to share in the magic by being the official photographer for the prom and all grad week events.

Best wishes for a future filled with prom night happiness to the UMRHS graduates of 2009.

Day 36

A weekend of camping in our new trailer was enough to make me even more impatient for school to end next week. I love to see my boys have fun and be active and I can hardly wait for us to start enjoying our summer vacation!

Day 35

Is there anything more relaxing than sitting in front of a fire? Maybe. But it certainly ranks near the top of the simple things in life that can bring such pleasure.

Day 34

Prom season has arrived. I can hardly believe looking at the pictures of the UMRHS grad class of 2009 that I was once this young and thought I was all grown up. I was very happy to attend this lovely "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" celebration of this giant step for 25 Boiestown area graduates. I look forward to joining the graduating class of Stanley High on Friday evening. Stay tuned for Day 41! Enjoy the look of joy captured this day.

365 Days ... Trying to Catch Up!! Day 33

Although I have been taking pictures everyday I have been so busy shooting I can't keep up with posting! And with a dial-up connection (DON'T get me started) it is impossible for me to get everything uploaded. I think I'll post the past few and continue from there. Say a prayer to the high speed gods for me!!!