Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


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Take Me Out to the Ball Game

What do I love more than photography? Well, if truth be told, lots of things. Although photography ranks high on the list. What do I love most of all?? That's easy... my boys. It is probably true that one of the reasons why I truly enjoy being a photographer is the freedom it allows me to spend time with them. I love being their mother. I want to be home after school, attend school functions, volunteer with their groups, tag along for all sports events.

Speaking of sports! This year my 11 year old developed a love of baseball. (Just like his mother.) He also decided that being a catcher was his favorite position. (Just like his mother.) And he seems to have a real talent for the sport. (Again, IMO, just like his mother!) Well, if I was going to make each and every game and practice, it was only natural that I bring the camera along for the ride. Here are a few of my favorites.


The Impending Birth.

There are so many special occassions in life! The birth of a new baby, highschool & university graduation, marriage, and anniversaries are marked with special celebrations yet there are numerous milestones in between that are also deserving of recognition. How exciting are those first smiles, first words, and first steps? We mark each birthday, each school year, and each special achievement along the way. And from my perspective as a professional photographer... how exciting to capture the joy of a wedding day, the arrival of a newborn, and the splendor of a prom! It is easy to be swept up in the mood of the day, and feel the joy in the air. Oh how I love my job!

Therefore, it is with great anticipation that I await the birth of a new baby... not my own. I am secretly hoping for a girl. Those beautiful new fluffy pink towels and the awesome metal tub (a gift from my mother) will be put to good use. But I LOVE boys! So it may be time to purchase that enormous dump truck I've had my eye on. What, you may ask, has me drooling over the prospect of photographing this yet to be born child? The answer can be seen in these lovely photos:


Just the Boys

It is easy to capture a photograph. Even when 3 teenage boys are worried someone will see them in matching t-shirts, or the wind is messing their hair, or the sun is in their eyes, or they are simply having a "push Dad to his limits" day, it is easy to get a picture. But... can you capture the story! Is the setting meaningful? Are you able to portray a mood or feeling that touches the heart of a grandmother? Can you produce a portrait that holds special significance? Can you get the dog to smile? I can.


It's in My Heart... It's in My Soul

Did I mention I love the smell of salt water? Because I love the smell of salt water. What people may or may not realize is that salt water is a way of life. Once it is in your blood it is there for life and one may not know what this means unless they are away from it for an extended period of time. I have spent many years without the smell, feel and taste of salt in the air and experience what is akin to a minor panic attack especially in the heat of summer when I remember the closest body of water is the chlorine pool in my backyard!

I have spent nearly 3 weeks in Cape Breton... swimming, boating, beach combing, and smelling the salt in the air. I have enjoyed picture taking along the numerous beaches and have been truly inspired by the beauty that surrounds them. Cape Breton will always be my home!