Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


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Life is Like a Photography Magazine

I used to subscribe to several very informative photography magazines and while I learned a lot about photography, I found it nearly impossible to resist the feelings of WANT. Every new piece of technology became a "have to have". It wasn't possible that I had taken many beautiful images for years without it! I'm sure many of you can relate to that keeping up with the Jone's mentality as I am quite convinced this does not only apply to my chosen field. How is it that my 50mm f/1.8 must now be a 1.4? The CS2 version of Photoshop is no longer acceptable for editing? My website NEEDS to contain flash elements in order to make me a better photographer? (And every reputable photographer is blogging!)
As I sit and wish for the Nikon D300 ... sigh... I try to remember the overwhelming feeling of accomplishment I felt while holding the perfectly respectful Nikon D70s for the first time. I wonder who out there really knows the difference anyway. After all, you either love your photos or you don't. There has to be an element of skill involved.... doesn't there?
Let's be clear, IMO, a certain amount of technology is mandatory. A point and shoot, no matter how advanced, is not capable of performing in many situations as well as a professional digital SLR. A variety of "fast" lenses and off camera flash is a must for weddings and most studio work. A tripod is indispensible in low light conditions. Here there is no reasonable argument. But (I ask myself) is the D300 a need? Or more likely a want? Will I be satisfied? Most likely not for long. Is a certain amount of wanting a necessary by -product of improving one's skill? Well, that's the story I'm sticking to! Does this phenomena exist in my life only in the area of my art? Of course not. That's why I have not renewed or subscribed to one magazine in the past 2 years. I think now I may have to give up the internet...

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