Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


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After several emails and phone conversations the mom of this 2010 UMRHS grad finally admits that her daughter Kelsey HATES having her photo taken. It is implied that our booked studio and outdoor session is a concession made for her mother. The compromise apparently is including pictures with her cats, a dog, a pony and a horse!

Off I go to deal with my tiny fear of very large horses thinking Kelsey must be shy and introverted with animals for friends. What I found instead was a beautiful, poised, fabulous young lady. Her intelligence was obvious, her spirit undeniable. Kelsey is an animal activist, as clearly stated on her tee - Club Soda Not Seals - and wants to be a veterinarian. There is no doubt she will succeed. How very fitting to have her photos taken with her animal friends, for that is who she is.

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