Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


Email me!


Look At Me Ma....

It's amazing what you can do out of both necessity and desire. Since Christmas I have made what could be called an early New Year's resolution to jump full force into this photography thing I have been calling a "business" for about 11 years now. In fact, I suppose what it has been is a dream not brought to fruitition, a past time with a little monetary gain, an excuse to stay at home with my young children yet still feel like I could contribute to the finances of our household.

Although I have been somewhat busy the past several years, my type-A personality insists I take on the challenge of becoming really good (if not great!) at both the artistic and business sides of photography. Now with an arsenal of professional cameras, lenses, equipment, and studio gear at my disposal it is time to actively search out new horizons...

Since this "great revelation" almost 3 months ago, I have learned how to use photoshop, lightroom, and Nikon Capture. I now can operate the many features and functions of my camera with my eyes closed. I have created my own website with NO web design experience (and thank you to my one and only sister-in-law on my side) I have managed to even get it online. I have moved into the world of brushes, presets, actions, and textures. And lo and behold I hope that when I click "publish post" I will also have started my very own personal/business blog!

Wish me luck! To my friends Lori and Wendy who have been a great source of support (carrying the load of my volunteer obligations until I get solidly into the technical world)... THANK YOU!! To my clients who have supported my art over the years.... watch out for amazing things to come. To those sour lemons in my life... I am soon to be toasting you with the best tasting lemonade ever made.


J MacKenzie said...

I agree, I noticed that a LOT of photogs are doing blogs now, and use it as a tool to tell a bit about their photos! Smart choice C.


Anonymous said...

Way to go Corrine !! Shoot for the stars and you will get there. Your work looks great and you have great ideas. Maybe on day I will get a chance to see your Gallary in New Brunswick. GAld to see my old schoolyard baseball buddy doing so well in a business she enjoys to do.

John Barrie

Rhonna Jessome said...

Hi Corrine! I love that you have jumped in with both feet, so to speak. I am using blogs, wikispaces, podcasts and RSS feeds with my students. I do not know how I would manage without these tools. Bravo to you for living a dream and I absolutely love what you say about the bitter lemons!
All the best!