Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


Email me!



The sound of a determined 3 year old who doesn't agree with what she's asked. How cute!

Everything about little Grayson and her 7 year old sister Sydney was cute, including their names. Well cute doesn't quite describe them. Smart, beautiful, well behaved and polite just about sums up these two little girls. The older child one of the most natural models I have run across in a long, long time. And the youngest an aspiring photographer. Quite a combination that I'm sure must make mom Shyanne very proud!

Included in this post are 2 portraits of these wonderful siblings together and one of just Grayson. Check out my new facebook business page for an artistic look at the true talent of Sydney.


What Did You Do This Weekend?

These days I wonder what my life would be like without sports. This has been a particularly good year as our 12 year old entered the world of a middle schooler and the many sporting options open to him. Through the fall we enjoyed soccer and cross country running and then moved into basketball season... with two children and two teams. This weekend I was fortunate to combine two things I love to do - watch my son and my best friend's daughter participate in their first pep rally before playing in their final basketball tournament, and photographing these events that can be life altering for a child. To have captured the emotion of the moment, the beginnings of life long friendships based on shared experiences, and the memories that will be remembered for a lifetime was extraordinary.

Here are just a few shots:


The "Eyes" Have It.

Doesn't this picture make you smile? Not every photo taken in a portrait session is the one that would be picked to make wallet sized prints for granny and other family members. And while many parents say they like "art" type photographs (and they may), it is not necessarily what they purchase. Since I'm in this business to make money in addition to loving it, it is important that I capture those buyable poses. But... it sure is rewarding to find the art!