Relax and Enjoy Your Visit

It's official!! I am hooked on blogging! I love to share my thoughts and feelings about the photographs I take. And I love to share my images with clients/ potential clients, family & friends.

"Come in and stay for awhile. Visit often. I have a feeling this could be fun..."


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I Can Do Anything!!!

My new website is up and running!! This may not be as exciting for you as it is for me, but you can pretend :o) I have spent MANY hours obsessed with the smallest of details and while I do not claim it is the best site you have ever seen, I do think it's great for the total lack of web design skills and knowledge I have! But I learned. If it were possible I would have the Dixie Chicks' "Taking the Long Way Around" song playing in the background while you read. Wait!!! IS that something I can do?

Nothing in life is possible without friends, both old and new. A big thank you to my boys who posed patiently and who did without my time on too many occasions this past month. Thanks to my always friend Lori and her three beautiful children who you will find in various locations throughout the site. To Nicole, Cheryl, Michelle, Kerri, & Michaela - your children's photos have added greatly to the new look I have hoped for. Again, and for many reasons, thanks to Wendy and her impeccible eye for the little things. And to Jessika Belliveau at Design (Website & Logo) for her web skills, as I would not be able to have everyone see my hard work without them.

To celebrate I have added a few more pics from my session with this little cutie. When she stepped out of the van dressed like this I could hardly control my excitement. I had what I needed after the first 5 shots. Twenty two taken ... 21 keepers. This beautiful preschooler has the attitude it takes to make great photos. You can see more of this session on my main site.

1 comment:

Lori said...

New site looks great! You should be proud.